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Die Lun DIE!

I know people think that storagebods are often backward thinking and hidebound by tradition and there is some truth in that. But the reality is that we can’t afford to carry on like this; demands are such that we should grasp anything which makes our lives easier.

However we need some help both with tools and education; in fact we could do with some radical thinking as well; some moves which allow us to break with the past. In fact what I am going to suggest almost negates my previous blog entry here but not entirely.

The LUN must die, die, die….I cannot tell you how much I loathe the LUN as a abstraction now; the continued existence of the LUN offends mine eyes! Why?

Because it allows people to carry on asking for stupid things like multiple 9 gigabyte LUNs for databases and the likes. When we are dealing with terabyte+ databases; this is plain stupid. It also encourage people to believe that they can do a better job of laying out an array than an automated process.

We need to move to a more service oriented provisioning model; where we provision capacity and ask for a IOPS and latency profile appropriate to the service provision. Let the computers work it all out.

This has significant ease of management and removes what has become a fairly pointless abstraction from the world. It means it easier to configure replication, data-protection, snaps and clones and the like. It means that growing an environment becomes simpler as well.

It would make the block world feel at closer to the file world. Actually, it may even allow us to wrap a workload into something which feels like an object; a super-big-object but still an object.

We move to a world where applications can request space programmatically if required.

As we start to move away from an infrastructure which is dominated by the traditional RAID architectures; this makes more sense than the current LUN abstraction.

If I already had one of these forward-looking architectures, say XIV or 3PAR; I’d look at ways of baking this in now..this should be relatively easy for them, certainly a lot easier than some of the more legacy architectures out there. But even the long-in-the-tooth and tired architectures such as VMAX should be able to be provisioned like that.

And then what we need is vendors to push this as the standard for provisioning…yes, you can still do it the old way but it is slower and may well be less performant.

Once you’ve done that….perhaps we can have a serious look at Target Driven Zoning; if you want to move to a Software Defined Data-Centre; enhancements to the existing protocols like this are absolutely key.


So I wouldn’t start from here…

We’ve had a few announcements from vendors and various roadmaps have been put past me recently; if I had one comment, it would be if I was designing an array or a storage product; I probably wouldn’t start from where most of them are….both vendors, old and new.

There appears to be a real fixation on the past; lots of architectures which are simply re-inventing what has gone before. And I although I understand why; I don’t understand why.

Let’s take the legacy vendors; you can’t change things because you will break everything; you will break the existing customer scripts and legacy automation; you break processes and understanding. So, we can’t build a new architecture because it breaks everything.

I get the argument but I don’t necessarily agree with the result.

And then we have the new kids on the block who want to see to continue to build yesterday’s architecture today; so we’ll build something based on a dual-head filer because everyone knows how to do that and they understand the architecture.

Yet again I get the argument but I really don’t agree with the result now.

I’m going to take the second first; if I wanted to buy a dual-head filer, I’d probably buy it from the leading pack. Certainly if I’m a big storage customer; it is very hard for one of the new vendors get it down to a price that is attractive.

Now, you may argue that your new kit is so much better than the legacy vendors that it is worth the extra but you almost certainly will break my automation and existing processes. Is it really worth that level of disruption?

The first situation with the legacy vendors is more interesting; can I take the new product and make it feel like the old stuff from a management point of view? If storage is truly software and the management layer is certainly software; I don’t see that it should be beyond the wit of developers to make your new architecture feel like the old stuff.

Okay, you might strip out some of the old legacy constructs; you might even fake them…so if a script creates a LUN utilisng a legacy construct; you just fake the responses.

There are some more interesting issues around performance and monitoring but as a whole, the industry is so very poor at it; breaking this is not such a major issue.

Capacity planning and management; well how many people really do this? Although it is probably the really big customers who do so but they might well be the ones who will look at leveraging new technology without a translation layer.

So if I was a vendor; I would be looking at ways to make my storage ‘plug compatible’ with what has gone before but under the covers, I’d be looking for ways to do it a whole lot better and I wouldn’t be afraid to upset some of my legacy engineering teams. I’d build a platform that I could stick personalities over.

And it’s not just about a common look and feel for the GUI; it has to be for the CLI and the APIs as well.

Make the change easy…reduce the friction…

Five Years On (part 3)

So all the changes referenced in part 2, what do they mean? Are we are at an inflection point?

The answer to the latter question is probably yes but we could be at a number of inflection points both localised vendor inflection points but also industry-wide ones as well. But we’ll probably not know for a couple more years and then with hindsight we can look back and see.

The most dramatic change that we have seen in the past five years is the coming of Flash-based storage devices; this is beginning to change our estates and what we thought was going to become the norm.

Five years ago; we were talking about general purpose, multi-tier arrays; automated tiering and provisioning but all coming together in a single monolithic device. The multi-protocol filer model was going to become the dominant model; this was going to allow us to break down silos in the data centre and to simply the estate.

Arrays were getting bigger as were disks; i/o density was a real problem and generally the slowest part of any system was the back-end storage.

And then SSDs began to happen; I know that flash-based/memory-based arrays have been around for a long time but they were very much specialist and a niche market. But the arrival of the SSD; flash in familar form-factor at a slightly less eye-watering price was a real change-bringer.

EMC and others scrambled to make use of this technology; treat them as a faster disk tier in the existing arrays was the order of the day. Automated Storage Tiering technology was the must have technology for many array manufacturers; few customers could afford to run all of their workloads on an entirely SSD-based infrastructure.

Yet if you talk to the early adopters of SSDs in these arrays; you will soon hear some horror stories; the legacy arrays simply were not architected to make best use of the SSDs in them. And arguably still aren’t; yes, they’ll run faster than your 15k spinning rust tier but you are not getting the full value from them.

I think that all the legacy array manufacturers knew that there were going to be bottle-necks and problems; the different approaches that the vendors take almost points to this and the different approaches taken by a single vendor..from using flash as a cache to utilising it simply as a faster disk…using it as extension of the read cache to using it as both a read and write cache.

Vendors claiming that they had the one true answer….none of them did.

This has enabled a bunch of start-ups to burgeon; where confusion reigns, there is opportunity for disruption. That and the open-sourcing of ZFS has built massive opportunity for smaller start-ups, the cost of entry into the market has dropped. Although if you examine many of the start-ups offerings; they are really  a familiar architecture but aimed at a different price point and market as opposed to the larger storage vendors.

And we have seen a veritable snow-storm of cash both in the form of VC-money but also acquisition as the traditional vendors realise that they simply cannot innovate quickly enough within their own confines.

Whilst all this was going on; there has been an incredible rise in the amount of data that is now being stored and captured. The more traditional architectures struggle; scale-up has it’s limits in many cases and techniques from the HPC market place began to become mainstream. Scale-out architectures had begun to appear; firstly in the HPC market, then into the media space and now with the massive data demands of the traditional enterprises…we see them across the board.

Throw SSDs, Scale-Out together with Virtualisation; you have created a perfect opportunity for all in the storage market to come up with new ways of fleecing providing value to their customers.

How do you get these newly siloed data-stores to work in harmonious and easy to manage way? How do we meet the demands of businesses that are growing ever faster. Of course we invent a new acronym that’s how….’SDS’ or ‘Software Defined Storage’

Funnily enough; the whole SDS movement takes me right back to the beginning; many of my early blogs were focused on the terribleness of ECC as a tool to manage storage. Much of it due to the frustration that it was both truly awful and was trying to do to much.

It needed to be simpler; the administration tools were getting better but the umbrella tools such as ECC just seemed to collapse under their own weight. Getting information out of them was hard work; EMC had teams devoted to writing custom reports for customers because it was so hard to get ECC to report anything useful. There was no real API and it was easier to interrogate that database directly.

But even then it struck me that it should have been simple to code something which sat on top of the various arrays (from all vendors); queried them and pulled back useful information. Most of them already had fully featured CLIs; it should have been not beyond the wit of man to code a layer that sat above the CLIs that took simple operations such as ‘allocate 10x10Gb LUNs to host ‘x’ ‘ and turn them into the appropriate array commands; no matter which array.

I think this is the promise of SDS. I hope the next five years will see the development of this; that we see storage with in a data-centre becoming more standardised from an programmatic point of view.

I have hopes but I’m sure we’ll see many of the vendors trying to push their standard and we’ll probably still be in a world of storage silos and ponds…not a unified Sea of Storage.



Five Years On (part 2)

Looking back over the last five years; what has changed in the storage industry?

Well, there have certainly been a few structural changes; the wannabes, the could-bes, theyve mostly disappeared through acquisition or general collapse. The big players are still the big players; EMC, HDS, HP, IBM and NetApp still pretty much dominate the industry.

And their core products are pretty much the same at present; there’s been little revolution and a bit of evolution but the array in the data-centre today doesn’t yet feel much different from the array from five years ago.

Five years ago I was banging on about how useless ECC was and how poor the storage management tools are in general. The most used storage management tool was Excel. That was five years ago and as it was then, so it is today. No-one has yet produced a great storage management tool to enable the management of these ever growing estates.

Yet, there has been a massive improvement in the storage administration tools; anyone with a modicum of storage knowledge should be able to configure almost any array these days. Yes, you will be working at the GUI but I can take an IBM storage admin and point them at an EMC array, they will be able to carve it up and present storage.

Utilisation figures for storage still tend to be challenging; there is a great deal of wastage as I have blogged about recently. Some of this is poor user behaviour and some is poor marketing behaviour in that there is no way way to use what has been sold effectively.

So pretty much nothing has changed then?


Apart from the impact of SSD and Flash on the market; the massive number of start-ups focused on this sector…

Oh…and scale-out; Scale-Out is the new Scale-Up…Go Wide or Go Home..

Oh..then there’s virtualisation; the impact of virtualisation on the storage estate has been huge…

And then there’s that thing called Cloud which no-one can grasp and means different things to everyone..

And then there’s the impact of Amazon and their storage technologies..

And Big Data and the ever exploding growth of data collected and the ever hyperbolic hype-cycle.

So nothing’s really changed whilst everything has.


Five Years On (part 1)

Today is the fifth anniversary of the Storagebod Blog; I’d blogged a bit before and I had started commenting on various storage blogs but nearly all of the storage blogs and indeed enterprise technology blogs in general were vendor-focused and were pushing the agenda of the vendor. The voice of the ‘user’ was mostly missing…and so Storagebod was born.

Like many things, there was a itch followed by a scratch and possibly then with a bit of blood.

At the time that I started this blog; the vendors were very much in the mode of tearing lumps out of each other on their blogs. They spent more time talking and shouting at each other than actually listening to their customers and focusing on that. Now the blogs have mellowed, in fact many of them have fossilised and others unfortunately are just pure marketing. And still they seem spend more time talking to themselves, telling themselves how great they are, even if mostly they try not to tell us how poor their competitors are…so that’s progress?

There are still some good blogs out there; generally written by people who don’t have marketing or social in their job titles but the golden age of vendor blogging, if there was one, seems to have gone. If your company has a policy around social marketing; it’ll probably kill off the voices that should be heard.

Of course, there’s me and Chris Evans plugging away independently; there’s a few others as well but we could really do with more. I know plenty of you reading this disagree with much of what I write; I only have to read the comments on the syndicated ‘El Reg’ version of the blog and I thank all of my commenters but perhaps some of you might want to give this blogging a go yourself. Hey, if you want to put your toe in the water, drop me an email, leave me a comment and I’ll put up a guest entry.

But I’d also like to see a reboot of the vendor blogs; I’d like to see people write about things they feel passionately about, not just regurgitate the message that marketing have given them. If you work in marketing or social and you see something written that you don’t like; the first reaction should not be to try and get that person on-message; try to work out why that person is off-message and then whether it is legitimate. If it is full of inaccuracies, if it is leaking the companies secrets and if it is going to do the company serious harm; then have a discussion but you need to be aware that many of us really respect the nay-sayers and the outliers in your companies. At times we will be doing business with you because of that respect and it says a lot about a company’s culture if it embraces that openness.

Don’t turn your staff into something that resembles the village of Midwich.

Me, I’ll carry on what I’m doing; I’ll keep throwing bricks and sometimes bouquets. If I think the Emperor’s got no clothes…I’ll be the little boy who points at him and laughs.

But mostly, I’ll keep on doing this because it’s a lot of fun!!


What a Waste..

Despite the rapid changes in the storage industry at the moment, it is amazing how much everything stays the same. Despite compression, dedupe and other ways people try to reduce and manage the amount of data that they store; it still seems that storage infrastructure tends to waste many £1000s just by using it according to the vendor’s best practise.

I spend a lot of my time with clustered file-systems of one type or another; from Stornext to GPFS to OneFS to various open-source systems and the constant refrain comes back; you don’t want your utilisation running too high..certainly no-more than 80% or if you feeling really brave, 90%. But the thing about clustered file-systems is that they tend to be really large and wasting 10-20% of your capacity rapidly adds up to 10s of £1000s. This is already on-top of the normal data-protection overheads…

Of course, I could look utilising thin-provisioning but the way that we tend to use these large file-systems does not it lend itself to it; dedupe and compression rarely help either.

So I sit there with storage which the vendor will advise me not to use but I’ll tell you something, if I was to suggest that they didn’t charge me for that capacity? Dropped the licensing costs for the capacity that they recommend that I don’t use; I don’t see that happening anytime soon.

So I guess I’ll just have factor in that I am wasting 10-20% of my storage budget on capacity that I shouldn’t use and if I do; the first thing that the vendor will do if I raise a performance related support call is to suggest that I either reduce the amount of data that I store or spend even more money with them.

I guess it would be nice to be actually able to use what I buy without worrying about degrading performance if I actually use it all. 10% of that nice bit of steak you’ve just bought…don’t eat it, it’ll make you ill!

#storagebeers – September 25th – London

So as the evenings draw in; what could be nicer than a decent pint of beer with great company?

Well, this isn’t that…it’s a #storagebeers to be held in London on September 25th. There’s a few storage events around this date and we thought that it would be an ideal opportunity to bring the community together.

So if you are a storage admin, a vendor, a journo or perhaps you work for EMC Marketing and you want come along and tell me why the megalaunch was awesome and not tacky….please come along.

We’ll be in the Lamb and Flag near Covent Garden from about 17:30, may be earlier.

There is a rumour that Mr Knieriemen will be there and buying at least one drink…

Don’t shoot the Messenger’s Friends….

Word has reached me that EMC Marketing may not be reacting so well to my previous post; yet if truth be known, I actually toned down what I really wanted to write because I wanted to ensure that people who I like and have time for didn’t catch so much flack. Although I speak only for myself, I know that I am not the only person who feels similarly about the current strain of EMC Marketing.

What I found so disappointing with the Mega-Launch is that with-in the hype and general hullabaloo; there are some interesting pearls but they got lost.

The re-write of the VNX2 code is very long overdue and from what I see gives EMC a solid base for their mid-range offering; it should allow them to support their current user-base whilst they work out how to transform them into the scale-out world.

It will allow them to take advantage of the tick-tock releases from Intel and if they have done serious work on the RAID code; it would surprise me if they haven’t at least enabled the possibility of a different data-protection method in the future; for example a micro-RAID enabling RAID to be better distributed across all disks and improving re-build times.

To move to a more modular software architecture has to be sensible and should allow them to transition to a software only virtual array in the future.

If they’d talked about such things as opposed to concentrating on the hype; putting the VNX2 into a context of future innovation…that’d been more interesting.

Of course EMC continue to talk very fast about VNX being a unified platform when all reality; we know it’s not really…not in the way that NetApp is. But that’s fine but it still grates that Marketing smoke and mirrors are involved.

But the VNX2 announcement is not without problems either; can I take an existing VNX and migrate non-disruptively to this new code? Do I have to take services and products such as VPLEX to enable this?

And then there was the ViPR GA announcement; much more detail and context could have been put around this; especially when aligned with the Nile ‘product’. I can see the beginnings of a platform strategy emerging and an interesting one at that. I’d be interested to know how some of their partner’s products fit into the picture; companies such as Panzura for example?

Yet where are the blogs, the context setting for these announcements? This side of EMC ‘marketing’ has sadly vanished only to be replaced by glitz. I think if the announcements had been accompanied by blogs and commentary more akin to Storagezilla’s here; much could have been forgiven and the announcement could have put to one side as the carnival it was.

It is sad that I miss Chuck’s take on these announcements; I know that Chuck was a real drum beater for EMC but there would have been technical content and interesting pearls in the blog. These days, it seems that the real detail has to be obtained face-to-face where most of the crap can be cut through.

So with a VMAX announcement probably due next year, probably at EMC World…I would hope for a more considered approach and a more balanced approach but I shan’t be holding my breath. Breathless seems to be the current EMC Marketing approach.

EMC have some good, some great and some products with serious challenges….I know from my day-to-day dealings with EMC that some are really trying to shift culture and convince customers that they are different.

Today’s Megalaunch leads me to question that.


Speed2Pb is Heavy Going…

EMC Marketing have done it again and managed to turn into what might be an interesting refresh of a product into something that just irritates me and many others.

It started off badly when they put the Sneak Preview video up and decided to have a dig at their lead competitor; then some tweets where they used the tag #NotAppy.

And then the hype cycle started to ramp up. So we have a ridiculously overblown launch with some tenuous link to F1. Tyre changing competitions and the likes which appear to be fun but just break up the presentations and destroy the flow.

EMC are just very bad at this sort of launch; speeds, feeds, marketing mumbo-jumbo linked in with videos/events which trash competitors, bore the audience and add little value. But all with the highest production values.

So what did the event feel like? It felt like an internal kick-off, an event where EMC high-five themselves and pretty ignore the customers. This felt more like an EMC event of eons ago along with a smattering of cheer-leading from Social Media.

There was little about the value, the use-case and what it will allow customers to do.

Death by PowerPoint; overly complex and busy slides.

And no humour…no humour! Make me laugh, make me smile!

Obviously I’m sure that it all played well to everyone else…and I’m not the target audience.

However, I think the technologies launched might be interesting; I think if the VNX2 code has undergone a rewrite, it’s long overdue and an achievement. It deserved better…

Such Fun…

With EMC allegedly putting the VMAX into the capacity tier and suggesting that performance cannot be met by the traditional SAN; are we finally beginning to look at the death of the storage array?

The storage array as a shared monolithic device came about almost directly as the result of distributed computing; the necessity for a one-to-many device was not really there when the data-centre was dominated by the mainframe. And yet as computing has become ever more distributed; the storage array has begun to struggle more and more to keep up.

Magnetic spinning platters of rust have hardly increased in speed in a decade or more; their capacity has got ever bigger tho’; storage arrays have got denser and denser from a capacity point of view, yet real-world performance has just not kept pace. More and more cache has helped to hide some of this; SSDs have helped but to what degree?

It also has not helped that the plumbing for most SANs is Fibre-channel; esoteric, expensive and ornery, the image of the storage array is not good.

Throw in the increased compute power and the ever incessant demands for more data processing, coupled with an attitude to data-hoarding at a corporate scale which would make even the most OCD amongst of us look relatively normal.

And add the potential for storage-arrays to become less reliable and more vulnerable to real data-loss as RAID becomes less and less of an viable data-protection methodology at scale.

Cost and complexity with a sense of unease about the future means that storage must change. So what are we seeing?

A rebirth in DAS? Or perhaps simply a new iteration of DAS?

From Pernix to ScaleIO to clustered-filesystems such as GPFS; the heart of the new DAS is Shared-Nothing-Clusters. ex-Fusion-IO’s David Flynn appears to be doing something to pool storage attached to servers; you can bet that there will be a Flash part to all this.

We are going to have a multitude of products; interoperability issues like never before, implementation and management headaches…do you implement one of these products or many? What happens if you have to move data around between these various implementations? Will they present as a file-system today? Are they looking to replace current file-systems; I know many sys-admins who will cry if you try to take VxFS away from them.

What does data protection look like? I must say that the XIV data-protection methods which were scorned by many (me included) look very prescient at the moment (still no software XIV tho’? What gives IBM…).

And then there is application specific nature of much of this storage; so many start-ups are focused on VMware and providing storage in clever ways to vSphere…when VMware’s storage roadmap looks so rich and so aimed taking that market, is this wise?

The noise and clamour from the small and often quite frankly under-funded start-ups is becoming deafening…and I’ve yet to see a compelling product which I’d back my business on. The whole thing feels very much like the early days of the storage-array; it’s kind of fun really.