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Size doesn’t always matter

Despite Anarchist having a dig at Marc and 3PAR over the relative size of their revenues and whether or not that they are important; I am glad that 3PAR are here!

3PAR's influence in the market far belies their size; they made thin-provisioning, wide-striping and ease of use a major selling point. Now maybe they won't become the next NetApp and maybe they will be damned to the annals of history much like Auspex but like Auspex, they made a technology important and relevant.

Companies like 3PAR, Compellent etc are important; they continue to push the big boys to do better. And that's good!! Companies like 3PAR show us the art of the possible and lead us to demand it from everyone.

3PAR also keep Mr Farley in gainful employment and that's very important, otherwise he'd be roaming the streets and we don't want that!


  1. John F says:

    @Steven. I don’t get it. What does physical stature have to do with mental imagery of Marc roaming the streets?

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