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Work in the Sky, not Clouds

Okay, I very rarely blatantly refer to the company I work for; I don't hide it but I try not to talk too specifically about Sky. But I can't really avoid it this time as we've got a couple of storage analyst positions available. These are fairly unusual in that they are on the Broadcast side of the company and oh yes, there currently is not strictly a Broadcast Storage Support team; there's me doing it as an ad-hoc role.

So this is the chance to get in and actually try to do things right; it's a greenfield role and we get to work on defining our own processes and procedures. There's no legacy SAN, no legacy back-up and no legacy apps; in fact there's not a lot at present. There's a few packing cases and empty racks (and a building site).

You'll probably look at the list of skills and think WTF! But don't worry, there is probably about a dozen people in the country with the exact skills we are looking for in the UK, so we accept that we are going to have to train people. This is about attitude and wanting to get things done!

No you won't get virtualisation, you won't get deduplication and you won't get Cloud but all the skills you pick up will be relevant to all of these. You'll get the chance to build a system which will potentially redefine the core business workflow in Sky and you'll get to play with and see some cool stuff. Hell, we might even pay you to do it.

And you'll get to work with me…so it's not perfect!

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