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Jeremy Burton of EMC tweeted the following

The last 50 years were about computer science. The next 50 will be about data science. #BigData #EMC

which lead me to reminisce that I started my career in the Data Processing Department which was then renamed the Computer Services Department over 20 years in a large Retail Bank in the UK. So over 20 years ago we were already talking about Data and Services.  And actually I will argue quite strongly that we were focused on both, they were the life-blood of the department and we probably had a better relationship with our users than many IT departments have today.

It was a very different relationship though; the Business would ask us for a service and we would go away and ponder it; spend an inordinate amount of time building something and they would be grateful for what they got. There was rarely a challenge to this state of affairs; rarely any indication that they did not have faith in what we were doing. We had a few hairy moments but they were pretty good times.

And then the PC came along and ruined it all; the users wanted their own computers and we in general could not really see why they would want to do something themselves. Could they not simply be grateful for what we provided? I mean we were giving them everything they asked for, well mostly.

So, then started the war between Corporate IT and the users; both sides believing that they knew better and at that point, I  think that it became a struggle for control and sight was lost as to the function of the Information Technology department. In fact, it seemed to stop being about Data, Information and Service but about control of Technology.

After a battle of attrition, it looked like that Corporate IT had won but at a cost; IT became a much resented cost, a blocker to progress, a slow moving entity divorced from reality and it’s original function.

And then the Internet happened and more importantly the Web happened; new businesses started to spring up and grow rapidly. Businesses which had IT departments much closer aligned to their aims and ambitions.  Home-computer ownership exploded and broadband opened things up to people at home, the fragile peace was shattered again.

Throw in the growth of mobile devices and a pervasive, always on, data network with rapid commoditisation of computing power; the battle this time is not one which is winnable by the Corporate IT department.

And so we find ourselves talking about Services, Data and Information again; we are beginning to see Data Managers, not Storage Managers; Delivery Teams, not Implementation Teams. I find myself working in a Broadcast Services Delivery Team; I spend a goodly amount of my time talking with users to find out what they want and not just expecting them to be grateful for the crumbs that I give them.

So although at times, it may appear everything is circular; the relationship between IT and the users has actually gone through a Metamorpheses and will continue to do so but at the end of it all; it’s all about Data and Information…’and not the wrath of Jove, nor fire nor sword nor the devouring ages can destroy’ this fact and we fight it at our peril.

One Comment

  1. AFidel says:

    I’m not sure it was ever the IT departments fault that they got to be that way. I mean honestly, other than a few sadists how many IT guys do you know who want to keep the keepers of process and the pinchers of pennies? I think it was a generation of management for whom IT was no longer the new miracle machines that removed mountains of hand work but rather was a tool and an expense to be very carefully controlled. Now there’s a generation of management coming to power who grew up with computers, are familiar and actually attached to them and get how much a well run department can empower them to make better decisions.

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